January 27, 2016 @ 12:36
- Gravimetric Fire Assay results confirmed bonanza grades up to 124 g/t Au.
- Geochemistry and vein textures confirmed preserved low sulphidation epithermal system.
AURYN Mining Chile SpA is pleased to announce the completion and update of geochemistry results from bonanza gold grades (>100 g/t) at Merlin I vein in the Caren Mine sector within the Altos de Lipangue Project. These important results in precious and base metals encourage the company to advance in the early production evaluation opportunity. In the News Release of January 06, 2015, two samples (34857 and 34860) returned with the maximum values of the Fire Assay analysis method of 50 g/t Au. ICP mass results from the batch sent to laboratory from sample 34854 to 34861 were pending. The samples 34857 and 34860 were re-analyzed by gravimetric Fire Assay method with intention to obtain an accurate gold value. ICP pending results were received from 3A Laboratory. The updated results are shown in Table 1. Adding to this, as was anticipated in the mentioned News Release, there were recognized quartz-carbonate textures and geochemistry vertical zonation in Caren mine.
Table 1. Sampling results of adits in Caren mine.
Table 1 shows that the main bonanza grades are in samples collected in the Adit #2 at meter level 1,840 and in Adit #1 at meter level 1,875. Adit #1 is highly anomalous in Au, with samples up to 68.83 g/t Au. Also a good correlation is observed with Ag where the main anomalous samples belong to deeper levels, including values up to 46 g/t Ag.
Even the anomalies in base metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) are increasing their values in deeper samples suggesting the location in the mixture zone between precious metals and base metal zone.
In addition to the geochemical evidence, the quartz-carbonate textures correspond with typical zonation demonstrated in low sulphidation epithermal systems. To illustrate this analogy a schematic section is shown in Figure 1.