::: Originally posted by AURYN Mining Chile SpA :::
May 16, 2016 @ 7:59
AURYN Mining Chile SpA (“AURYN” or “the Company” or “AMC”) is pleased to announce that our parent company, MASGLAS Limited, has purchased 218,763,318 shares of the common stock of Medinah Minerals, Inc. (OTCMKTS: MDMN). The contract to purchase these shares was consummated April 29, 2016. Coincident with closing, the shares were delivered by the seller to MASGLAS Limited who then caused a new certificate to be issued registering MASGLAS Limited as the owner of record. These shares were received from the Transfer Agent by MASGLAS Limited on May 14, 2016.
As previously announced, MASGLAS Limited purchased 60 million shares subject to an agreement signed July 6, 2015. The shares purchased under the April 29, 2016 agreement were originally part of the July 6, 2015 agreement. With the completion of this transaction all parties have settled any and all outstanding issues pertaining to the original contract.
Submitted on Behalf of the Board of Directors AURYN Mining Chile SpA